Will you be lining up?
Because I will be lining up. In fact, if you're reading this and it's Thursday evening, then you know where to find me. Because I'm at the movie theater. Waiting in line for the Midnight showing of Iron Man 2.
I love midnight showings. Always have, always will. Because yes, you're tired, and yes, you have work the next morning, and sure you can see it later...but it won't feel the same. For all you Avatar advocates who got onto me about how movies are made to be "experienced," then you should be seeing all of your movies at 12AM. The crowds, the group anticipation, those people that show up in costume (!), the audience reactions and comments during the film...LOVE IT ALL!!!
And movies like Iron Man 2 are made to be seen at The Witching Hour.
Right now, the reviews are pretty good...it's a fun, fast, loud movie that you will love to watch. I don't really care if it's "as good as the first one." I don't care if "The Dark Knight was the best SEQUEL EVER." This isn't that. This is 2 and a half hours of Bob being charismatic and doing fun things with his pretty friends. To which I say...Sign. Me. Up.
(Spoiler Alert: This is a clip...not a trailer...ahem...you're welcome, David).
Speaking of pretty people....
The Met Costume Institute Gala was this week. And it was sooooo blah it made my eyes hurt. Seriously, I spent so long flicking through agency photos trying to find something that "changed my eye" in a good way. Nothing. Completely blank.
Because, at the Gala, it's not about "the prettiest column dress with the chiffon overlay in the most beautiful jewel tone"...BARF! NO. It's about what you DON'T see on every OTHER red carpet. It's about taking a mother fucking fashion risk!!!
So yeah...there were lots of absolutely gorgeous dresses. Any one of them would have kicked the shit out of 90% of the Oscar dresses from this past year. But there was also, like, no originality.
What's listed below is what I guess has to be called my favorites of the evening. Scratch that. I don't favor any of them. They are just the least of all evils. Yeah, that's what we'll call it.
Leanne's reluctant picks:
This pattern is great. But again, the whole "dress as Jackson Pollack art" thing has been done. (I do love Coco Rocha's facial expression though. She's such a loud and out bitch!)
Another loud and out with the facial expression to match. Love MIA's dress and fuck off face ensemble. (And can your new album come out sooner, please?)
And now...for the Cinderella Dress of Irony.
Love Zac Posen. Love that he chose the Gala to be a snarky bitch. Because this dress is hysterical. And he means it to be that way. Because, if you've been paying attention, more and more actresses have gotten into the bad habit of wearing these horrific Cinderella ball gowns to all the Hollywood events. Except they've been wearing them in earnest. So, Zac Posen decides to give the ladies what they want. And then laugh at their ignorance. LOVE LOVE LOVE. (Especially the woman in the foreground of this picture who is eyeing this dress with envy thinking, "Damn, I need one of those").
In terms of trends...(because every carpet has trends, even the Gala)...the colors were white and dark blue. White and dark blue EVERYWHERE.
Sienna had the best Dark Blue.
But, I'm also going to say that, although not really "fashion forward" in any way shape or form, Oprah Winfrey looked Wonderful. Like, I kind of gasped when I saw her. She just looks soooo pretty.
Finally...the Best White/Best Execution Award goes to my girlfriend.
And this will take some explaining because I know how some of you are. But listen to me. This is a HARD dress to wear. Like, about TWO people on the planet can pull this thing off. Because a dress this form fitting requires a great body. One that is perfectly fed and exercised. I mean it. Skinny Bitches can't wear this dress. You put it on an Olsen twin and it becomes a death shroud.
But on Diane, it fits every curve and yet doesn't look heavy, or like her skin is suffocating (because there is not a square inch of skin visible). Can you imagine how hot she must be? And yet she looks crisp, and clean and fresh. And her boobs don't look too saggy, but there also not riding up her chin. And she's rocking a center part in her hair, which again, not everyone can do (I most certainly Can NOT). So, yeah, on the surface the dress is pretty simple. But underneath, that is some serious sartorial execution. Well done, babe.
Other than that...it was kind of sad and uninspired. And there were some that were down right ugly. Click here for full re-cap.
I know it was a long one today, but I probably won't post again for a while. So, as a little parting gift, I'm leaving you with this.
This is for those of you who (somehow!) don't understand why Bob is #1...
please watch. It really is worth your time.
And if you won't then at least watch the first one: it's a clip from the show where he talks about meeting Susan. Susan is his wife. And he LOVES her. I mean looooovvvveesss her. Practically worships her.
And it's not a game, or for show. He really doesn't notice her ugly shirt or care that (although very pretty) she's not a super-model.
So fucking adorable. The American Bad-Ass meets and falls in love with the Un-interested High Powered Business Exec. (And for her side of the story, click over here. Precious.)
(You really should watch the whole thing).
I can't embed Part 2, but here's the link. It's where he talks about Chaplain for which he was Oscar nominated (It's especially interesting if you're interested in Acting. He talks about how he preps for stuff).
Yes it really was a disappointing showing at the Met this year...where was the Leighton Meester of last year? Now that was what the Gala is all about. Well, at least to me!